Buckle up – it is time to drive into the future. We are super excited to share that we will continue our research project, now stepping into the next phase, REDO 2. We will build on the work we initiated in the first REDO project but with a wider scope and a more in-depth analysis. In addition to remote driving, we will also examine remote supervision of autonomous vehicles with a focus on auditory aspects and sound feedback.
What is REDO 2?
REDO 2 is the next phase of REDO – Remote Driving Operations – a research project that aims to build knowledge and create opportunities in the emerging field of remote operation of autonomous road vehicles. The main problem REDO addressed was: How can we support deployment of new vehicles that don’t have a driver in the vehicle responsible for controlling it at all times? And so, the goal of REDO was to develop the necessary systems for safe remote operation of autonomous road vehicles.
Ictech’s role in REDO was to look into the auditory aspects of the human-machine interface to answer the question: Can sound improve the performance of remote operators when driving autonomous vehicles?
REDO 2 is a collaborative research project between Ictech, VTI, Einride, KTH, Voysys, RISE, Scania, Caramenta, Innobrain, CDE, and Dee Production.
Remote supervision of autonomous road vehicles
Our research in REDO 2 will build on the work we initiated in the first REDO project, but with a wider scope and a more in-depth system-on-system analysis. In addition to remote driving, we will also examine remote supervision. From an Ictech perspective, we will continue our work in this area with a focus on auditory aspects and sound feedback.
In REDO 2, we are also taking on the role of work package leaders for Human Factors. As work package leaders, we are excited to delve deeper into the challenges identified in the initial REDO project. From a Human Factors perspective, we will examine metrics and measurements needed to quantify operator experience and performance.
How does sound affect what remote operators see?
We will also investigate multimodal effects, such as how what you see affects what you hear and vice versa, and determine what measurements, methodologies, and metrics are necessary to quantify operator performance and experience.
Furthermore, we will explore how hands-off automation systems can aid the operator in certain use cases, particularly in support systems. As we continue to develop the sound rendering software from REDO, we will enhance it further to make it more effective.
Our research in REDO 2 aims to advance the knowledge in remote operating of autonomous road vehicles, and we believe it could lead to the development of new exciting products and services in the field of autonomous vehicles.

A research partner in the technical frontline
At Ictech, we conduct research both internally and with partners in exciting publicly funded projects. We team up with other awesome actors to work on projects that can last for many years. But we also enjoy smaller, more intimate projects. So whether it is a massive undertaking or a smaller task, we are up for the challenge.